Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Gangster genre related to American dream

As many believe ganster genres are related to the American dream, we can clearly see a straight out links between both the popular genre and a nations dream.

The term that was first used back in 1931 by James Truslow Adams in his book 'the epic of America' refers to a dream. That a land should be better, richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each person through ability and achievement. This is not just in terms of wages, but a dream of social order where each man and woman should be able to attain the highest sature as possible, and to be recognised for these accomplishments, with no consideration of the stature they have been born into.

I feel there are aspects of these terms that are directly related to the ganster genre and especially 'The Godfather'. Each ganster including don veto and Michael reaches to the highest stature possible, living the highest life as they can. But their fullfillment is still not attained without recognition of their surroundings. The dream stated earlier is clearly shown in the first scene of the film 'The Godfather'. The secilians have clearly gained a high stature in the local social order, they are living the dream of happiness and health. The wedding fulfills high expectations which has clearly been accomplished from living a richer and fuller live, taking any opportunities than can without no regards. The social order is also evident through the meetings that are held by the don, he is clearly respected by many and shows appreciation of this respect through guidance of his family.

This situation is the same in many ganster fims, the aim is to always look to a high stature in social order, which gives them a richer and fuller life. They do not consider the social reference they are born into or anyone elses for that matter. They take every opportunity to the fullest!

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